Listed below are the programs we have available

3 weeks ( Total of 15 hours)

Phase 1- Anti-Childhood Bullying

A child's first love and teachers is there parents. When the child's needs, wants, values and desires are not being met they will lash out in unrewarding ways by being disruptive. This action is meant  to get the results that they want. If the child can't get their parents attention at home, then they will get their attention while they at the school. School is the workplace for the child. Parents are proud to see there children excelling in the academics because they want nothing but the best for there children.  Bullying is the result of ignored emotions at home. School just happens to be the place to lash out. In this program, youths will learn of the dangers that come with childhood bullying. They will gain useful tools and insight to help them better understand their emotions and behavior to combating the negative effects of bullying.

3 weeks ( Total of 15 hours)

Phase 2- Personality Identification

As people, we are forced to participate in a social world before we even have gained knowledge of self. We are taught so much about the world around us and have received so limited information about the world going on within us. We are always in development mode and creating these special features within ourselves. It's high time that we learned about the self. The world around us is constantly changing and at times its hard to keep up especially with the world within us changing as well. We are not the same person as when we were first born. Our bodies adjust as well as our minds. In this program, youths will learn about the basic development of the inner world. They will learn the how's and why they function independently as a whole. It is my belief that until you learn who you are as an individual, you can't then know where you are going. Youths will be educated to the uniqueness of their design and learn why they interpret situations differently.

3 weeks ( Total of 15 hours)

Phase 3- PEM Healing

As a creation we exist in three states which are mind, body and soul. When all three states are aligned correctly you then experience the Unified-Self which is a positive and happy version of self. When all three states are not aligned correctly you then experience the Divided Self which is a negative and angry version of self. Youths will learn helpful techniques that aid them into focusing on their own individual stories to help them to see their way out of the forest of their minds. They will learn a new method of healing one’s mental, emotional and physical state of existence. They will also learn specifically which emotions are  conflicted and learn how to control emotional outburst and behavioral problems. As a result, youths will bridge together a different awareness of self.